- add
void add(Container container)
Adds a container and initializes it.
- addCustomControlType
void addCustomControlType(string type)
Adds a custom control type for theme loading.
- clear
void clear()
- dispose
void dispose()
- fixedUpdate
void fixedUpdate(float deltaTime)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- focus
void focus(Container control)
Gives focus to a control.
- getControlById
Control getControlById(uint id)
Returns a control by his id.
- loadTheme
Theme loadTheme(string fileName)
- onKey
void onKey(int key)
Event called on key action.
- onMouseClick
void onMouseClick(MouseButton mouseButton, vec2 mousePosition)
Event called on mouse button click action.
- onMouseMove
void onMouseMove(vec2 position)
Event called on mouse movement action.
- onMouseUp
void onMouseUp(MouseButton mouseButton)
Event called on mouse button release action.
- onText
void onText(int text)
Event called on character input.
- remove
void remove(Control toRemove)
- setTheme
void setTheme(Theme theme)
- setTheme
void setTheme(string themeName)
Loads and sets current theme.
- unfocus
void unfocus(Container control)
Removes focus from a control.
- update
void update(float deltaTime)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.